As we age every day, we have opportunities to explore our personal essences and develop better insights into who we really are and not necessarily as we show up in our work life or interacting with others.
In January, 1994, I had an opportunity to test my inner metal to train for 7 months to participate as part of an American team, “Dutch Treat” and race walk 107 miles in 4 days in Nijmegen, Holland. The goal was to win a beautiful medal from the King & Queen of Holland as our reward.

Even though we entered as a team, it was an event for the individual. Finishing every day before the daily deadline was the prerequisite to participate each day. Our days started at 4:00am with 45,000 people all over the world as participants who were civilians and military units from over 60 countries. Deadline for finishing each day was 5:00PM.
Each of our team members finished the race on time and earned our medals which hang in our offices reminding us of our grit and determination to complete an endurance of mind, body, and spirit. Oh, sweet it is!
But the real story is what metamorphosis happens inside when each step one takes can come along with blisters and swollen feet and legs, but you keep going because the promises we break with ourselves does more to tear down self confidence then anything anyone can say negative to us. PUSH ON!
These last ten years, many of our lives’ pace has increased and we feel we have little time to really give love to ourselves and indulge in our personal growth experiences through slowing down to think, “Am I really living the life I love, or am I doing what I think my family or society expects of me and going through the motion, without taking a breath”
This describes how I was feeling at 52 years of age, a mother of three sons, business owner, community activist and founder of businesses and nonprofit. I was experiencing success and recognition for the community work, however, I felt I lost the burning desire to go to the next personal development level.
During my hours of walking, I promised myself, I will become a business owner and “walk the talk” I did to encourage others to have their own business. God & the Universe must have helped create the circumstances that helped me be true to myself and guide me into larger goals.
Over the last 30 years, I have developed successful businesses and nonprofits mentoring and supporting women business owners creating economic development for our country, In 2024, the Girls STEAM Institute™, celebrates 10 years of mentoring young women and girls as STEAM entrepreneurs who are becoming global collaborative innovators using immersive technologies.
One never knows the power of an idea that can transform our lives and those of others.
Be an encourager and a role model for others to use their curiosity and empathy to create magical unimagined success.